Research projects
"Patrones de desarrollo regional en Uruguay en perspectiva de largo plazo (siglos XX y XXI)". Proyecto CSIC I+D 2020. Project leader Prof. Henry Willebald.
The aim of this research is to examine the levels of economic development of the different regions of Uruguay from an endogenous and historical perspective, as well as their relative evolutions in the last 120 years. For this, we will construct an endogenous territorial development indicator (ETDI) which will allow to identify the economic factors that characterize and give content to the differentials of economic development between departments or regions. The specific contributions of the project will be three: i) a comprehensive database, with five-year series of indicators of production organization, human capital and social environment covering the 20th and 21st centuries; ii) a description of the territorial, endogenous, and historical development of Uruguay with the construction of the ETDI and alternative versions that will, in turn, be additional methodological products of this project; iii) historical approaches to the local development of three regions of the country (north, northeast and east coast) through qualitative approaches that will allow the validation of quantitative exercises.
“La relevancia estructural e histórica de los servicios en la economía uruguaya”. Proyecto CSIC I+D 2018. Project leader: Prof. Carolina Román. I am member of the research team.
The aim of this research is to propose estimates of the value-added of services for the previous period to official data (1955). Estimates consistent with the official series and those available for other sectors will be provided, in order to make possible long-term and representative analyses of the structural transformation and growth. The contributions of the project will be of a statistical nature –new data series–, interpretative –considering the contribution of sectors to the economic performance– as well as the training of researchers and students.
“Territorio y Estado. Un análisis histórico de la desigualdad regional en España, Europa del Sudoeste y América Latina ”. Departamento de Análisis Económico, Universitat de València, Spain. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación:Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2021. Project leaders: Prof. Daniel Tirado-Fabregat and Prof. Julio Martínez-Galarraga. I am member of the research team.
This project aims to describe and analyse the main patterns and drivers of regional economic inequality in Europe and the Americas in the long run. In this regard, we hypothesize that the current economic landscape has been the result of a long and complex process, which has been strongly influenced by geography, institutions and policies. The aim is moving beyond considerations referring to regional GDP per capita to identify processes related to the evolution of education and health at the subnational level and, thus, to approach a notion of human development.